The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on Sundays across the Churches of St. Matthew the Evangelist Parish. Please call the Parish Office to schedule your child’s Baptism (978.663.8816). You will receive a follow-up phone call or email with regards to setting up the parent meeting.
Parents are expected to attend a 30-40 minute meeting with either a staff member prior to the baptism. This meeting serves as baptism preparation. We hope that any questions concerning your child’s baptism and your role as parents will be addressed.
The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is available to all members of our Parish. Please contact the Parish Office to schedule a visit by a Priest (978.663.8816).
Congratulations on your engagement! Please schedule an appointment with our Parish Office at 978.663.8816, at least 6 months prior to your wedding. CLICK HERE for our Wedding Guidelines.
Engaged couples who are contemplating marriage are required to take a marriage preparation course.
Reconciliations are offered on Saturdays at 2pm at St. Theresa Church.
The Sacrament of First Eucharist is offered in the spring and summer at our weekend Masses. CLICK HERE to contact Karyn Moody for more information.
The Sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated by one of the Bishops of the Archdiocese, usually in the fall. All Teens who have completed the requirements of our Faith Formation Ministry are eligible. Please CLICK HERE to contact the Faith Formation office for specific dates for Confirmation.
If you were never been baptized, or you were baptized in another Christian faith, we can help you to become Catholic and receive the sacraments! Adults who are interested in becoming Catholic are invited to join the “Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults” (RCIA) program. Please CLICK HERE to contact Dustin Batista electronically or call 978.663.8816 for more information.
If you were baptized Catholic, but never received Eucharist, we can also help you to complete your sacraments! Please CLICK HERE to contact Dustin Batista electronically or call 978.663.8816 for more information.
If you were baptized Catholic and received Eucharist, but never received Confirmation, we can help you to receive Confirmation! Please CLICK HERE to contact Dustin Batista electronically or call 978.663.8816 for more information about Adult Confirmation.