Hi ~I am Chris Kilburn and I am happy to serve St. Matthew the Evangelist Parish as the Director of Finance and Operations
I graduated Salem State College in 1986 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management with a focus in Human Resources. I have gone on to receive the Archdiocese of Boston Finance and Operations Certificate, along with a Catechetical Certificate, a Certificate in Theology, and a Certifcate in Evangelization.
Prior to becoming Director of Finance and Opertations, I held multiple positions in the church in Billerica. I spent many years in accounting in the private business sector. After spending time at home with my young children, I began work at St. Mary as the Office Manager in 2005. Other positions I have held over the years have included Director of Religious Education at St. Andrew, Collaborative Assistant, and Assistant to the Business Manager at St. Theresa.
I grew up in Pinehust and St. Mary and was married there. I have 2 grown children. My daughter Lyzzie lives in Alaska and my son lives with us in Tewksbury. We are very happy to be a part of the faith community in Billerica. Blessings to all!